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Erik's flying colours

It is all about colors...
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1. Cross


As you can see the cross isn't much of a step. It's only solving 4 edge pieces around a center.
It doesn't matter on which colour you do this. In fact, you can win some time if you choose the fastest cross out of 6 possibilities.

Regardless of what your current method is: if you can already solve the cube, solving the cross shouldn't be too hard for you.
The thing with the cross is, is that there isn't really a method for making it. It's really just puzzling, which is the reason why people might find this step the hardest of the 4.

During a competition you have 15 seconds to inspect the cube before you start. In this time, try to find the easiest colour for your cross and plan it.
If you want to be really good you should be able to inspect the cube, then close your eyes and solve the cross.
Of course we don't really do this during the competition, but if you could do this it means that you don't have to watch the cross pieces anymore while you are solving the cross. This means again that you can start looking for pieces you can use for the next step!
Your hands are at step 1, but your mind is at step 2.

For now, just make sure you can at least make the cross. It takes time to become good at this.
If you want to be faster then 10 seconds, you should be able to make the cross in 1 second. This takes some years for most people, so don't worry if you can't achieve such a time yet